25 September 2023

Election on in anyone’s language

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The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has gone to great lengths to help all Australians take part in next week’s Federal Election, publishing its basic election material in 29 languages.

Electoral Commissioner, Tom Rogers said it was crucial all voters understood the electoral process and had the chance to cast a valid vote.

“Federal elections are huge and complex operations — the biggest peacetime logistical event held in Australia on a regular basis,” Mr Rogers said.

“More than 16.4 million Australians are enrolled to vote in the election playing a tangible role in shaping the new Parliament and the future of the country.”

He said providing information to assist voters from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds was an important part of the AEC’s effort to ensure every eligible Australian had the opportunity to have their vote counted.

“Translations of key AEC 2019 election material — the Official Guide, the How to Make Your Vote Countfactsheet and the Stop and Consider campaign about checking the source of information — are available in 29 languages and can be printed,” Mr Rogers said.

“The AEC distributes translated information through in-language media, both paid and unpaid as well as through culturally and linguistically diverse community groups.”

He said other AEC initiatives to help CALD voters included a telephone interpreting service on 1300 720 153; easy read guides on how to vote by mail, and Voter Information Officers at selected polling booths.

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