25 September 2023

Election 2019: The final say!

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It was a telling sign by Prime Minister Scott Morrison to have just a couple of current members of his Cabinet at his final address to the National Press Club in Canberra.

His campaign had been of the ‘one man band ‘style traversing the country at breakneck speed with his exhausted band of photographers and journalists in tow.

But it worked and will be forever analysed and commented on.

But the sun comes up, life goes on and the bloodletting begins for the Opposition. And we question the pollsters and opinion pundits.

But I reflect monetarily on the passing of former PM Bob Hawke, including photos from a variety of occasions that remind me of how different he was as a leader and a seminal time in Australian politics.

I’ve lived through too many elections to make comparisons but I did hear the PM make a comment on the spare seat on the podium at the NPC.

Poignant, he said, without realising that seat was for Sabra Lane who was the moderator, and not one for the Opposition leader who didn’t do a final address to the NPC.

So all the hoop-la is over, the bins are full to the brim with how-to-vote paraphernalia and the voting booths return to normal as the only thing worth looking at in the meandering line of voters was the gentrification of my suburb.

We must be affluent if it is any comment on the current renewal and refurbishment.

The nicest part of the whole election shebang was catching up with the locals, enjoying the snags and stalls of delicious treats and scarpering back to our ordinariness.

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