26 September 2023

EGYPT: PS Brotherhood links outlawed

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Egyptian lawmakers have approved draft legislation that enables the sacking of all Public Servants with links to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Chair of Parliament’s Legislative and Constitutional Affairs Committee, Ibrahim El-Heneidi said the amendment to the Non-Disciplinary Dismissal of Civil Servants Law further protected Egypt’s national security from any possible infiltration by members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

“The Draft Law applies to employees working at Government Ministries, Local Councils, public sector companies, public organisations, and other Governmental authorities,” Mr El-Heneidi said.

The Muslim Brotherhood briefly held power in Egypt in the wake of the Arab Spring upheaval, but was overthrown amid mass protests and outlawed in 2013.

Parliamentary Speaker, Hanafi Gabali said the Draft Law would guarantee the right of an employee to appeal against their dismissal before the Administrative Court.

“Additionally, an employee will not be stripped of their pension, nor their financial compensation,” Mr Gabali said.

Earlier this year, Minister of Transport, Kamel Al-Wazir told Parliament that the Railway Authority had at least 162 Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated employees.

Mr Al-Wazir said workers had repeatedly undermined the Railway Authority’s work and that the law should change to allow Government authorities to dismiss “forces of darkness and evil”.

He also called for changes in Egypt’s Civil Service Law to allow the Railway Authority to fire employees who abused drugs or otherwise undermined the country’s plans to modernise and develop its railway network.

The Minister’s statement came after 40 people were killed and dozens injured in two separate train accidents in March.

Cairo, 2 July 2021

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