26 September 2023

Education review finds pathway to skills

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A major review to reform and revitalise the State’s post-secondary education and training system has laid out a pathway to securing the skilled workforce Victoria needs into the future.

Minister for Training and Skills and Higher Education, Gayle Tierney said funding for roads and public transport, education, family violence prevention, disability and aged care would create thousands of jobs over the next decade.

Ms Tierney said the report, Future Skills for Victoria – Driving collaboration and innovation in post-secondary education and training, explored how the post-secondary education and training system could continue to support students, businesses and communities as the jobs came online.

“Importantly, the review sought to provide confidence to jobseekers and employers, especially as Victoria responds to and recovers from the coronavirus pandemic,” Ms Tierney said.

“This is a significant body of work and the Report will play a critical role shaping our efforts to ensure the education and training system delivers the skills Victoria needs,” she said.

“Getting Victorians into good, secure employment is a key priority and a strong post-secondary education and training sector that includes relevant, high-quality and accessible VET will play a critical role in preparing Victorians for new and better jobs.”

Ms Tierney said the review made 30 recommendations aimed at ensuring all Victorians could access the training they needed; that teachers had better opportunities to improve their practice; strengthening pathways from learning to the workplace; fostering collaboration between stakeholders; responding to roadblocks between training and emerging industries; and building a new evidence and data base that would support improved planning and decision-making.

The 238-page Skills for Victoria report can be accessed on the Department of Education and Training’s website at this PS News link.

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