26 September 2023

DTA dials up telecommunications market

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The Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) has invited comments on a proposed new whole-of-Government Telecommunications Marketplace.

DTA is seeking feedback on the draft Statements of Requirements and Head Agreement.

In a statement, DTA said the new marketplace would gradually replace and expand the existing Mobile, IBNCS and the TSP Panels.

“It will make sourcing processes for telecommunications products and services simpler, clearer and faster for both buyers and sellers,” the Agency said.

“We are launching the marketplace in early 2020 for Federal, State and Local Government Agencies. It will provide easy access to newer technologies not currently covered.”

It said these included data carriage services, internet connection services, fixed voice services, managed network services, managed unified communications services, managed voice services, dark fibre services, managed contact centre services and managed mobility services.

“It will also make it easier for businesses, especially small-to-medium enterprises, to access opportunities within Government,” the DTA said.

The request for information will remain open until 8 October and will be followed by an open approach to the market through AusTender later that month.

Further information can be obtained by emailing [email protected]. Additional information, including a full list of service categories and technical requirements, is also included in the request for information on AusTender.

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