26 September 2023

Drivers asked to be sporting at games

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Canberrans are being urged to be sports and play by the rules when it comes to parking at sporting events this winter.

Issuing the reminder with just one week of winter to go, OurCBR said parking safely and legally kept everyone safe in and around the community’s sporting events and playing fields.

“Illegal and dangerous parking can reduce visibility of pedestrians and other road users, creating a safety risk, especially for children, people living with disability and those using prams,” OurCBR said.

“This includes parking on street corners, footpaths and verges and double parking,” it said.

“Parking illegally can also prevent access for emergency services vehicles who may be called out during a sporting event and damage trees, footpaths, gutters and underground pipes and cables.”

OurCBR warned that people could be fined between $128 and $640 for illegal and dangerous parking, saying it was much cheaper and safer to park legally than risk a fine.

“Access Canberra parking inspectors patrol local sporting events and other events to keep our community safe,” the newsletter said.

“Please remember to treat our parking inspectors with respect,” it said, “like umpires on the field, they are enforcing the rules to keep us all safe.”

Further information on parking near sports events can be accessed at this PS News link.

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