The Department of Premier and Cabinet has released the Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy and the Closing the Gap Implementation Plan.
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Stephen Dawson said the strategic documents would guide a future whole-of-Government approach to Aboriginal affairs in Western Australia.
“This is the first implementation plan for Western Australia under the new National Agreement on Closing the Gap,” Mr Dawson said.
“It identifies the initial actions to be undertaken to close the gap in outcomes between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people.”
He said his Department would continue to refine the implementation plan, with an update to be published in 2022.
“The implementation plan was developed through collaboration across Government Departments and Agencies, with crucial input and endorsement from the Aboriginal Advisory Council of WA, as well as the Aboriginal Health Council of WA,” Mr Dawson said.
“The implementation plan is the starting point for achieving the priority reforms and socio-economic targets identified in the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, and include an extensive stocktake of contributing Government initiatives and programs.”
He said the Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy would work hand-in-hand with the implementation plan, outlining the underlying rationale for reform and principles for working differently.
“The strategy emphasises the importance of the Government and Aboriginal Western Australians working in partnership to improve outcomes for Aboriginal people,” Mr Dawson said.
“The ongoing legacy of Western Australia’s history demands that the Government works differently to support the empowerment of Aboriginal Western Australians by partnering with Aboriginal people to create new opportunities and address the impacts of past and ongoing injustices.”
The Implementation Plan for Closing the Gap can be accessed at this PS News link and the Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy at this link.