26 September 2023

Doctors spring up with asthma warning

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The start of spring has prompted Acting Chief Health Officer Dr Kerryn Coleman to remind the sufferers of asthma and hay fever to see their doctors if they need help managing their conditions.

Dr Coleman said asthma and hay fever were significant health problems in the ACT with one in nine Canberrans suffering from asthma and one in four experiencing hay fever – the highest rate in Australia.

“After the long Canberra winter, the start of spring is an exciting time in our community, with people out and about enjoying the outdoors more,” Dr Coleman said.

“For many Canberrans though, we know the warmer weather can also bring with it a worsening of their symptoms due to an increase in grass and other pollens being present in the air,” she said.

“That’s why, the start of spring is a timely reminder to seek advice from a GP to update an existing, or put in place, a new management plan.”

Dr Coleman said that in extraordinary circumstances the combination of high grass pollen levels and a particular type of thunderstorm could severely affect people allergic to this type of pollen.

“People with hay fever and undiagnosed asthma are at particular risk, as they are not on any asthma medication,” she said.

She encouraged people to download the free smart phone app AirRater, saying it would keep them informed of environmental risk factors that could contribute to asthma or hay fever symptoms.

The app can be accessed at this PS News link.

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