26 September 2023

Developers drawn towards design panel

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Property developers planning significant projects in Canberra are to be required to submit their plans to a new design review panel from 1 October.

Minister for Planning and Land Management, Mick Gentleman said an interim design review panel had been operating since September 2017, providing advice on 26 major projects in the ACT, including the Manuka Oval Media Centre.

He said the new panel would commence with a revised scope.

“Developments five or more storeys high will be required to consult with the new panel prior to submitting a development application,” Mr Gentleman said.

“The panel provides the opportunity for peer review of development designs to help achieve the best possible outcomes for our buildings and public places.”

He said the panel, to be called the National Capital Design Review Panel was a joint initiative with the National Capital Authority.

“The National Capital Design Review Panel is an independent and expert panel that provides design advice to government, developers and designers for large-scale developments such as buildings, public spaces and public infrastructure projects.”

He said the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate would be working with industry to transition development proposals through the new design review panel process with industry sessions held throughout this month

More information on the new design review panel can be accessed at this PS News link.

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