26 September 2023

Detector dogs sniff out 50th anniversary

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The Australian Border Force’s (ABF’s) Detector Dog Program is marking its 50th anniversary this year after being launched in Sydney in 1969.

Commissioner of the ABF, Michael Outram said this was an incredible achievement of continuous service that contributed to security at the border.

“From modest beginnings with two Labrador retrievers (Captain and Lady) in Sydney in 1969 trained to detect drugs, to today with more than 60 detector dog teams across the nation dedicated to detecting drugs, firearms, explosives, currency, and tobacco,” Commissioner Outram said.

“The ABF’s Detector Dog Program continues to develop detector dog capabilities and in the 2018-2019 financial year alone had over 800 illicit narcotic detections, detected over $7 million of undeclared currency and interdicted over four tonnes of tobacco products in the air and sea cargo environments.”

He said detector dog teams around the country completed more than 24,000 targeted operations in support of ABF priorities in 2018.

“These operations include the mass screening of passengers, cargo, postal items, and arriving vessels and aircraft,” Commissioner Outram said.

“The program also supports operations with the Australian Federal Police and various State police forces,” he said.

“We are very proud of all the ABF and Customs staff who have helped create our world-class Detector Dog Program and I congratulate all those who have contributed to the protection of our borders for the past 50 years.”

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