The Department of Environment and Science (DES) has activated its business continuity plan to ensure it can continue to deliver core services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As a result, all public-facing DES offices are currently closed but the Department can still be contacted by phone and email.
The Department said that as the COVID-19 situation evolved, and to ensure continuity of the delivery of critical services, further business continuity plans might be required.
“We will keep you informed of any changes that may impact service delivery and operations as soon as possible,” DES said.
It said all camping areas in Queensland national parks, State forests and recreation areas were closed until further notice, with closures also applying to commercial tour operations.
“All Gateway Visitor Centres are closed as well as cultural institutions and arts centres,” DES said.
“Public events and programming are cancelled into the foreseeable future.”
It said the Odour Abatement Taskforce shopfront at Ipswich was also closed, however the taskforce would still respond to odour complaints from the public.
“The Queensland Herbarium public reference centre is closed as is the front counter service for receiving specimens in person,” DES said.