26 September 2023

Defence signs up for virus patrols

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The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is to assist State and Territory Governments undertake quarantine compliance checks on travellers now required to go into mandatory isolation for two weeks on return to Australia.

The move followed the decision by the National Cabinet to require all travellers returning to Australia to undertake two weeks self-isolation at facilities designated by the local State or Territory Government.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the travellers would be transported directly to the designated faiclities after their immigration, customs and health had been checked.

“ADF personnel will bolster local police efforts in visiting the homes and residences of Australians who are in mandatory isolation,” Mr Morrision said, “and will report to the local police whether the identified individual was at the residence.”

He said the assistance by the ADF would be provided under the Defence Assistance to the Civil Community arrangements which built on the existing support the ADF was providing to the COVID-19 response.

Mr Morrison said the support included assisting States and Territories in contact tracing efforts; provision of planning and logistics support to Agencies; provision of personnel to other Agencies, including Services Australia; border control support to police; and the supply of food hampers to isolated civiilians.

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