26 September 2023

Defence floats new shipbuilding course

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The Department of Defence has announced the launch of an Australian-first digital shipbuilding course as part of its $90 million Naval Shipbuilding Plan.

Minister for Defence, Senator Linda Reynolds said the Diploma of Digital Technology would transform traditional shipbuilding in Australia by educating participants on digital technologies.

“[We are] focused on fostering a world class Australian workforce that can leverage digital information and intelligence systems to facilitate greater innovation,” Senator Reynolds said.

She said the course would connect workers and information systems in order to build the $35 billion Hunter Class Frigate Program.

Senator Reynolds said the new course replaced Defence’s Air Warfare Destroyer Program.

Minister for the Defence Industry, Melissa Price said more than 60 shipbuilding workers from the Hobart Class Air Warfare Destroyer Program would teach the digital technology skills required to work on the Hunter Class Frigate Program as part of the new course.

“The broader skills that participants will develop will also support continuous naval shipbuilding in Australia, and will be a boost to workers in terms of their future employability,” Ms Price said.

“With the challenges posed by COVID-19, students will be able to complete coursework online, and when permitted, attend classes at Flinders University at the Tonsley Innovation District,” she said.

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