The Darumbal people have taken charge of more than 400 hectares of land near Rockhampton following a ceremony earlier this month.
The land transfer follows the Federal Court’s native title determination over the lands in 2016.
The Darumbal People Aboriginal Corporation now holds freehold title on country near Mount Chalmers, Mount Archer and Thompson Point.
Local Darumbal man, Elder and Darumbal People Aboriginal Corporation Board Member, George James said the land parcels included significant landmarks with strong connections to Darumbal history.
“The land parcel on Mount Chalmers is near the recently renamed Mount Baga, an area of significant historic events for our people, and Thompson Point at the mouth of the Fitzroy River was a traditional source of food for the Darumbal people,” Mr James said.
“We’re hoping to now use some of this land to take our youth — our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren — camping in this bush so we can sit by a fire and tell stories, hold ceremonies, dance, cook, and get them away from their mobile phones.”
He said the transfer recognised and celebrated Aboriginal people’s ownership and connection to the land, and meant the Darumbal people could help future generations keep connection to their culture and to their country.
Since 2015, the Queensland Government has transferred 160 parcels of land and approximately 500,000 hectares to the First Nations Peoples.