26 September 2023

Consultation paper to probe kids to work

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The Department of Premier and Cabinet has released a consultation paper as part of a review into child employment laws and is calling on Victorians to have their say and share their experiences with working children.

Minister for Industrial Relations, Tim Pallas said that in Victoria, six per cent of children under 15 years of age had a job.

“One in 10 children are or have been employed while under the age of 15, and 3.5 per cent of Victorian businesses have employed children under 15,” Mr Pallas said.

“Children under 15 can legally work in Victoria and their employment is regulated by the Child Employment Act 2003 (Vic), which aims to protect children from any adverse effects of employment while recognising the benefits that children can gain from the experience,” he said.

Mr Pallas said the aim of the Review was to identify areas where Government could improve the legislation and make compliance simpler for people covered by the Act, while maintaining strong protections for children.

The Minister said that last financial year, the Victorian Government’s Wage Inspectorate assessed and issued 9,425 child employment permits and carried out more than 170 investigations.

“The safety and wellbeing of children in the workplace is our number one priority – we’re carrying out this review to build our understanding of how people are affected by Victoria’s child employment laws,” he said.

The Department’s four-page Consultation Paper, including information on how to have a say, can be accessed at this PS News link.

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