27 September 2023

Consultation panels planning new hospital

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WA Health has selected about 70 people to take part in consultation panels providing input into the new Women and Babies Hospital.

The Department launched an Expression of Interest process in October for consumers wanting to join the focus groups, and received 766 applications.

It said the groups would provide input into planning for the new $1.8 billion hospital.

Minister for Health, Amber-Jade Sanderson said participants included people from a diverse range of backgrounds.

“Each will bring their own lived and learned experiences and ideas to discussions about the patient pathways — what works currently and should be retained, what could be improved and how it could be done,” Ms Sanderson said.

“These consultations are the first of many opportunities for people to help shape the new hospital, with future rounds of consultations being planned for 2023 and beyond.”

She said the interest from the community had been ‘huge’.

“The focus groups are an important milestone for this significant project and will ensure the diverse views and experiences of consumers across the State will be heard,” the Minister said.

“Ensuring patient-centred care is at the heart of the new hospital is paramount and we will be consulting throughout the project to ensure women and families have proper input,” she said.

The Women and Babies Hospital will be a centre of excellence as WA’s only tertiary maternity, neonatology and gynaecology hospital in the State.

More information is available on the Government website at this PS News link.

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