26 September 2023

Consultation open on eConveyancing plan

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The Department of Resources has launched a consultation on a proposed regulation to mandate electronic conveyancing (eConveyancing) in Queensland by early 2023.

In a statement, the Department said eConveyancing allowed instruments and documents needed for property transactions to be digitally prepared, signed, settled and lodged using an Electronic Lodgement Network (ELN).

“Queensland first introduced voluntary eConveyancing in 2013, in accordance with the National Federation Reform Council’s Intergovernmental Agreement for a seamless national economy,” the Department said.

“The roll-out of voluntary eConveyancing allowed the conveyancing sector to adopt electronic conveyancing practices or maintain traditional lodgement practices,” it said.

The Department said conveyancing professionals had embraced the greater efficiencies and security of the ELN, with more than 70 per cent of relevant property transactions being lodged through eConveyancing networks.

“Queensland’s transition to mandatory eConveyancing is the next step to deliver a consistent service delivery experience for all the parties involved in property transactions,” it said.

The Department said the Proposed regulation to mandate eConveyancing in

Queensland: Consultation Paper was seeking feedback on a new Land Title Regulation 2022 that would specify classes of instruments or other documents that must be lodged electronically through the ELN, including transfer of titles, mortgages, caveats and priority notices.

It would also consider exemptions to mandatory eConveyancing, including self-representation, internet outages, natural disasters, or if a title was not electronically tradeable.

Consultation closes on 6 May and the four-page Consultation Paper, including information on how to have a say, can be accessed at this PS News link.

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