26 September 2023

Comcare lists checks for work at home

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Comcare has released a checklist for Australian Public Service and other staff now working from home during the COVID-19 health crisis.

In a statement, Comcare said the checklist should be seen only as minimum requirements.

“Take appropriate breaks to ensure repetitive actions are not continued for long periods – these breaks should involve stretching and changing of posture, and possibly alternating activity,” the Agency said.

“Check the level of illumination and location of lighting fixtures are suited to the activity,” it said.

“Lighting levels should be sufficient for visual tasks to be completed without eye strain.”

It said natural and artificial light sources should not create glare via reflection on the computer screen or working surface and people should check there are sufficient levels of ventilation and thermal comfort.

“Check the location, height and other physical characteristics of furniture and computers are suited to the task and take into consideration other factors, for example, egress routes, direction of light source,” it said.

“Check there is no damaged flooring (uneven tiles, pulled up carpet).

“Check there is suitable storage for documents and books.”

Comcare said that where possible, equipment that had been issued by the Agency and had recently been tagged and tested should be used.

“Make an agreement about a reasonable communication system between you and your manager (for example, call-in or email morning and night) and inform your manager if there is any change that may impact your health and safety or the health and safety of another worker (for example, a new pet, renovations or moving house),” Comcare said.

It said at-home workers might consider playing music or listening to the radio to create a harmonious working environment.

“They should also identify any potential distractions, for example separating their workstation from the rest of the house.”

It said the checklist could be used by workers who entered the 14-day isolation period for the virus.

Comcare’s 2-page Working From Home Checklist can be accessed at this PS News link.

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