25 September 2023

CIT forges links in Singapore

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The Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Singapore’s Temasek Polytechnic as part of its moves to expand an international footprint.

Chair of the CIT Board, Craig Sloan (pictured) said the objectives of the MoU were to grow understanding and cooperation between CIT and Temasek Polytechnic in the areas of staff and student exchanges and in the sharing of expertise, knowledge and information to prepare students for the global workforce.

“The MoU provides invaluable learning opportunities for the ACT vocational education and training (VET) sector,” Mr Sloan said.

“Temasek Polytechnic has leading edge facilities and we can learn a lot from them in terms of their innovative programs and space design thinking.”

He said CIT’s mobility program was in full swing, with a cohort of students from Temasek Polytechnic visiting CIT earlier this year and the second CIT student exchange currently in Singapore.

“These exchanges are a unique development opportunity and can only enrich students’ learning and knowledge,” Mr Sloan said.

“This MoU further increases the international learning experiences and opportunities for CIT students.”

He said the friendship between the institutions had resulted from a mutual interest in innovation, entrepreneurship, culinary, cyber security and design.

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