A proposal to change the Territory Plan for the Molonglo River Reserve corridor has been released for community consultation by the Minister for Planning, Mick Gentleman.
Announcing Draft Variation 360 (DV360), Mr Gentleman said the change it proposed would cover high conservation value, cultural significance and recreational opportunities as focuses for the public land reserve area.
“The ACT Conservator of Flora and Fauna requested to better align the Territory Plan with the requirements of the Molonglo River Reserve draft Reserve Management Plan and therefore the proposed DV360 addresses two key parts — overlay boundaries and rezoning,” Mr Gentleman said.
“DV360 recommends making changes to the public land reserve overlay boundaries to incorporate an important Aboriginal cultural site,” he said.
“This will see new boundaries included in the management plan to cover the reserve area.”
He said the key purpose of DV360 was to change what was currently special purpose reserve to nature reserve, from below Scrivener Dam to Coppins Crossing.
“This will form the new Molonglo River Reserve, to converge with the Murrumbidgee River,” Mr Gentleman said.
“Two areas of special purpose reserve allocated for recreational activities are included.
“The changes proposed in the draft variation will fulfil the requirements for the draft Reserve Management Plan to be finalised in early 2019. It will also see that the Molonglo River Reserve aligns with the particular uses assigned to the land within the reserve corridor.”
Consultation closes on 1 February 2019 and the 19-page DV360 can be accessed at this PS News link.