26 September 2023

Care Army marches out for lockdown

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Queenslanders have been caring for and supporting family, friends and neighbours during the recent COVID-19 lockdown across South-East Queensland.

Minister for Communities and Housing, Leeanne Enoch said people had done the right thing in challenging times and were all part of a broader ‘Care Army’.

“Lockdowns can be tough, particularly when strict but necessary health directions give us the best possible chance to crush this latest outbreak of the Delta strain,” Ms Enoch said.

“In addition to lockdown requirements to stay in your home and community, there were many individuals and families who had to quarantine or isolate at home to keep the community safe.”

She said volunteers supported vaccination hubs and had reached out to their family, friends and neighbours by phone or online to check that they were okay.

“Technology provides so many opportunities to connect with people through a phone call or text message and this can also help prevent feelings of social isolation and loneliness while in lockdown,” Ms Enoch said.

“Care included placing an online shopping order and dropping off essential items in a COVID-safe way to people who were vulnerable or at a higher risk, like our older Queenslanders, especially those who were not yet fully vaccinated.”

The Minister said last year more than 28,000 Queenslanders registered to be part of the Care Army, supporting seniors and other vulnerable members of the community.

“Everyone can be a part of their own Care Army, you don’t need to formally sign up to make a difference to the lives of someone who might need help now and in the future,” she said.

“We are all in this together and a caring gesture will make our communities stronger,” Ms Enoch said.

Further information on the Care Army can be accessed at this PS News link.

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