26 September 2023

Bus smooths journey for kidney sufferers

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People on the Gold Coast and visitors with chronic kidney disease who need regular dialysis will soon be able to access the Gold Coast Big Red Kidney Bus for life-saving treatment.

The bus, a partnership between Queensland Health and Kidney Health Australia, provides dialysis, as well as teaching people how to do their renal treatment at home.

It includes two dialysis chairs for home haemodialysis training and one for respite, an access ramp, a kitchenette, and individual entertainment units.

Clinical Director of Specialist Medical Services at Gold Coast Health, Carl de Wet said home dialysis could offer better life-style advantages, improved flexibility for work, social activities, and quality of life.

He said the initiative would help more patients to self-care.

“The Big Red Kidney Bus will provide a valuable education service for specialist nurses to teach patients how to carry out their own renal treatment at home,” Dr de Wet said.

“This service allows us to leave the in-hospital dialysis services for those who are acutely unwell and to provide care, training, and support in the community.”

He said more than 250 people were currently receiving renal dialysis at Gold Coast Health facilities and the number of people requiring haemodialysis was growing each year.

“About 37 per cent of dialysis patients on the Gold Coast carry out their renal treatment at home after three-to-six months of dialysis education from specialist nurses,” Dr de Wet said.

The Big Red Kidney Bus service is to operate from August.

People living with kidney disease who are interested in booking the respite chair are encouraged to contact Kidney Health Australia on 1800 454 353 or visit this PS News link for more information.

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