It had to happen so happen it has.
PS News has been unceremoniously caught up in the coronavirus consternation carry on, forced to postpone a much-planned meeting of patrons and partisans from the public sector engaged to help improve – as if such a thing is possible – the appearance, attitude, appropriateness, approval and future aspects for PS News as we continue to get better.
While our movable members have been moved from their next meeting and will probably stay home and lick their viruses, the task of reporting all the PS News worth reporting remains.
And while on the subject of viral vulnerability, readers of PS News all over Australia can rest relaxed that every page that makes its way down the cyber funnel onto your computer screen (or phone, ipad or laptop) has been written by an isolated writer in isolation, adhering to the strictest of isolation rules so you won’t get either corona-ed or virus-ed as a result of reading PS News.

Credit: UnitoneVector
Delving into our ‘He who Lives in Glass Houses file’ again now in which eagle-eyed Patricia S of the Australian Taxation Office has delivered another potentially embarrassing censure to the pedantry PS-sssst! by shining attention on a recalcitrant vowel that failed to turn up for duty in one of last week’s gripping PS-sssst! snippets.
In its outlandish attempts to defend the roles of the well-proven words of plural ‘numerous’, ‘many’, ‘plentiful’ and others against the recently popular upstart ‘multiple’, PS-ssssst! entrusted the word ‘burst’ in its second paragraph to a ‘u’ to join in the spelling but the letter failed.
“Was the use of ‘brst ’ a test to see if people could spot multiple, numerous, abundant or many errors? ” the inquisitive Patricia inquired inquisitively.
“No’ was PS-sssst!’s negative answer riposted in return.
“You’ve caught us with our ‘bursts’ down!”
Many thanks to Patricia for (attempting) to keep PS-sssst! responsible for its puerile pedantry, a fabulous PS-sssst! Prize Pack is on its way with our compliments.
Returning, as it is hard not to do, to our virus news addiction again, PS-sssst! pays a heartfelt tribute to the many PS staffers who have sacrificed their night-times, weekends and planned days off work to develop financial and other support packages all around the country for families, businesses, workers and others facing hardship as a result of the health pandemic.
As a student of Public Administration back in the 1970s, one of the attractions of public sector life for a young PS-sssst! was the policy of the day that at times of economic tightness such as that facing Australia at the moment, step No.1 was to shower the PS with a decent (possibly temporary) payrise in the expectation that it would be spent immediately and spent big as the Government’s contribution – and example – to the rest of the community.
One wonders what a difference 1.9 million PS staff would make splashing $100 a month each into the business end of our frail and fractured (and soon to be frailer and fractureder) economy.
Such a shame nobody thought of keeping those old text books!
Giving it away
To Rama Gaind’s New Look books and DVD giveaways now in which lucky players will have the chance to enter their entries for a full two weeks after Rama declares the giveaway away!
Starting this week, but including last week’s, Rama has the book prize Matchfit up for grabs with two weeks to grab it, hot on the heels of last week’s DVD offering Teacher starring David Dastmalchian and Kevin Pollak which closes next Monday.
To try your hand at winning Rama’s free DVD take this PS News link and for thee book, visit this link.
Good luck to all who do.
Till next week……..
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