Find your leadership coach in – yourself – after you read Be Your Own Leadership Coach: Self-coaching strategies to lead your way by Karen Stein, a professional certified executive coach. Photo: Supplied.
If you are driven to create a real impact in today’s ever-changing world, then look no further for inspiration and guidance because you can Be Your Own Leadership Coach!
A professional certified executive coach with more than three decades of experience, Karen Stein has written a one-stop shop book for leaders to drive their own professional development and lead as their best self – anytime, anywhere. She has grounded that on evidence-based positive psychology, lived leadership experience and more than 2000 hours of one-on-one coaching.
What many leaders don’t realise is that it is possible to have a coach with you – on tap – and that coach can be you!
Having helped senior leaders at Deloitte to attain their specialised goals, Stein promises to help you fill your backpack so you can advance your understanding of self-coaching.
“Throughout this book, we’ll do this together and set you up to face into your leadership journey with confidence, optimism and a strong sense of self,” Stein says.
Karen admits leadership is challenging. “There are many complex problems to work through, decisions to be made and priorities to juggle. And, by the time you are in a leadership role, you’re expected to know exactly what to do and how to do it.
“This is where having an experienced leadership coach comes in – someone who can help and support you as you evolve as a leader and become more self-aware of your behaviours, emotions and thoughts. Someone who can work with you through the many challenges of leadership. Yet what happens when you can’t access a coach? Who do you turn to?
“In Be Your Own Leadership Coach you’ll learn powerful self-coaching strategies so you can support your leadership of you and support yourself as you lead others.
“In all cases, we will focus on helping you lead your way so that you can have your leadership impact — one which is positive, inspiring, motivating and long-lasting and continues in your absence.”
This book will introduce you to “your leadership coach; someone who is well known to you and is there to support you day by day, step-by-step. This coach knows you better than anyone and can work with you and as you need in the very moment. This coach my friend, is YOU!”
The great news is that you can be self-sufficient, but it’s not that simple. No-one has told you how to do it and you can feel overwhelmed, confused and vulnerable. Too often leaders are finding their way, discovering how they lead themselves to be of their best, and how they lead themselves to positively impact others. You need to work it out.
Once you adopt the 12 practices and related strategies outlined in this practical book, you will have instant access to a new repertoire of skills, actions, feelings and opinions to support you.
Winner of the 2023 Goody Business Book Awards in Leadership – Mentoring/Coaching, Be Your Own Leadership Coach is an easy-to-read and comprehensive self-help guide for anyone wanting to become a better version of themselves at work.
“My hope is that each day as you leave to start your work, you’ll strap on your virtual backpack loaded with your self-coaching strategies as discovered through reading this book. You’ll carry it around with you, comfortably fitting it on your back. You’ll leave the flap loosely tied so you can slip your hand in and draw out whichever strategy is appropriate as you face your leadership tasks.
“In some cases, it will be to build your self-awareness, design your goals, and support your motivation. In others it will be to manage how you use your time and energy, how you consciously communicate, build your listening skills, empower and delegate, and lead with kindness.”
Through your use of these, and other self-discovery strategies, and your completion of learning and reflection exercises found within this book, you’ll self-mentor your way to recognise what is helping you and what is hindering you. You will be more attuned to your own effectiveness and be able to both support and rescue yourself to ensure your continued success.
As Stein reassures: “Throughout this book, we’ll do this together and set you up to face into your leadership journey with confidence, optimism and a strong sense of self.”
Let your dreams come true of having a leadership coach, someone who can help increase your self-awareness of performances, sentiments and cognitions and the impacts it can have on you personally and on those you lead.
Be Your Own Leadership Coach: Self-coaching strategies to lead your way, by Karen Stein, Major Street Publishing, $32.99