Bruce Kasanoff* says being positive when the world is screaming about bad news is difficult — but not impossible.
Did you ever wonder why some people are nearly always happy?
Is it because they live in a world in which the sun always shines, the news is always good, and love is in the air?
Nope. They are happy because they’re happy.
They don’t suffer from the: “I’ll be happy when (this happens) syndrome”.
These people still encounter obstacles and major challenges. The front page of their newspaper also has deadly depressing news.
Yet they are still happy.
Here’s my challenge to you: Be relentlessly positive all this week.
Yes, this week, even though headlines may be screaming bad news.
No matter what happens be upbeat. Smile. Bring positive energy into the world.
Encourage others. Practice self-care and self-compassion.
I recognise that this may make you feel uncomfortable. It may be too over-the-top positive for you.
For that reason, I’m not suggesting you spend the rest of your life being relentlessly positive.
Instead, I’m challenging you to do this for one week, to prove that it’s possible for you to be positive for an entire seven days.
Can you do it? I bet you can. No, wait — I’m lying.
I bet you will fail at first. After a few hours, you’ll slip into negativity.
Maybe you’ll hear that a friend is sick, or your employer will announce more bad news.
You might be discouraged because all our ‘leaders’ seem to do is bicker like children.
If this happens, start over. Try again.
If you are determined, I bet you can be relentlessly positive for a whole week. Do you know why?
I’m being relentlessly positive.
*Bruce Kasanoff is an executive coach and social media ghostwriter for entrepreneurs. He can be contacted at
This article first appeared at