26 September 2023

Awards honour Corrective Services staff

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ACT Corrective Services (ACTCS) staff were honoured last week on National Corrections Day (21 January) with the individuals and teams who went above and beyond the call of duty in 2021 recognised at the ACTCS Awards.

Minister for Corrections, Mick Gentleman said the Award recipients exemplified the ACT Public Service values of Respect, Integrity, Collaboration, Innovation and Leadership.

“These Awards are important and recognise the valued contribution recipients have made during this last, difficult year,” Mr Gentleman said.

He said National Corrections Day recognised the extraordinary work that Corrections staff did across Australia and saw the awarding of a Shield of Recognition to ACTCS officers who had completed more than 10 years of continuous and meritorious service.

“Corrections staff have been the quiet achievers, striving to protect detainees from the pandemic,” Mr Gentleman said.

“I am proud of how ACTCS staff have performed in these challenging circumstances.

“On behalf of the ACT Government, I would like to thank each member of ACT Corrective Services for their significant contribution to keeping our community safe and helping those who need rehabilitation and support.”

Mr Gentleman said key locations around Canberra were illuminated in blue last Friday to mark National Corrections Day, including the Canberra Times Fountain; John Gorton Building; Malcolm Fraser Bridge; the Royal Australian Mint; Questacon; and light rail stops across Canberra.

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