25 September 2023

ASADA signs new partner for anti-doping battle

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The Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) and Sri Lanka’s Anti-Doping Agency (SLADA) have entered a new international agreement to work together to boost the effectiveness of their anti-doping programs.

A formal Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in Colombo, Sri Lanka by the Chief Executive of ASADA, David Sharpe (pictured) and the Director General of SLADA, Seevali Jayawickrame.

Under the MoU, the two national anti-doping organisations will work together by sharing information, resources and experiences.

They said the MoU applied to all areas of anti-doping operations including investigations, intelligence, education and testing.

Mr Sharpe said SLADA and ASADA shared a deep commitment to the right of clean athletes to fair competition, no matter where they competed in the world, and no matter who they competed against.

“To ensure a strong anti-doping program across all sports and all nations, cooperation is the key,” Mr Sharpe said.

“It is critical that as we develop our capacities together, we learn from each other and we join forces in the fight against doping.”

Dr Jayawickrame said the Australian sports system was well-advanced and a model to look forward to.

“We hope to gain from ASADA’s rich experience, knowledge and technological advancements in the field of anti-doping,” Dr Jayawickrame said.

“This will no doubt contribute in our march to anti-doping, not just in keeping our athletes clean but to educate and prepare all our stakeholders to continuously strive to reach this goal.”

Deputy Director General of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), Rob Koehler welcomed the MoU, saying that as the independent, international Agency leading a collaborative worldwide movement for doping-free sport, WADA was committed to working with all nations dedicated to protecting the right of their athletes to clean sport.

“As such, we are very pleased to support this partnership, whereby ASADA and SLADA will work together to enhance their own capabilities and strengthen the global anti-doping environment more broadly,” Mr Koehler said.

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