26 September 2023

APSC calls in public holiday substitutes

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The Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) has issued a Circular setting out an amendment to the Public Sector Workplace Relations Policy 2020.

The amendment relates to the public holidays of Australia Day, Anzac Day and Queen’s Birthday as they are included in Enterprise Agreements.

In the Circular, the APSC states that the amendment would be a “point of assessment” in its consideration of new Enterprise Agreements for compliance against the policy.

“It is an expectation of Government that the Australia Day, Anzac Day and Queen’s Birthday public holidays (as observed in each State and Territory) are not able to be substituted for another day where sought by the Australian Public Service and other Commonwealth employees, and must be recognised on those observed days only,” the Circular states.

“All APS Agencies, non-APS Australian Government entities and Members of Parliament staff are required to implement this amendment in respect of making new enterprise agreements.”

The Circular states the amendment does not affect the arrangements governing the substitution of any public holiday as provided for under an Agency’s current Enterprise Agreement.

“Existing arrangements will continue to apply until a new Enterprise Agreement is due to be made, in accordance with the requirements of the policy,” it says.

The APSC’s full Circular can be accessed at this PS News link.

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