25 September 2023

APS Review Panel opens for comment

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The Panel for the Independent Review of the Australian Public Service (APS) has called for public submissions on the future of the APS.

“We want to hear about what works well, what needs to change and your vision for the future of the APS,” the Panel said on its website.

“This is the start of the conversation and there will be further opportunities to contribute over the coming months.”

It said it APS employees were particularly encouraged to contribute.

“We welcome submissions made in an insightful, professional and respectful manner,” the Panel said.

“You can find further information about providing comments as an employee of the APS in the APS Code of Conduct and seek further advice from the Ethics Advisory Service.

It said it would to share people’s insights with others and publish their submissions on its website.

“Alternatively, you may choose for your submission to be published anonymously or not to be published at all,” it said.

Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Public Service, Kelly O’Dwyer, said the Panel’s public consultations would be an opportunity to have a say about the future of the APS.

“It is important that our public sector is fit-for-purpose in the years ahead,” Ms O’Dwyer said.

“Public consultations are an excellent opportunity for people to share their vision for the future of the APS. It is a chance to let the Panel know what works well, and what needs to change.”

She said the Panel was seeking views on all areas raised in the Terms of Reference, as it begins its examination of the capability, culture and operating model of the APS.

“Anyone can make a submission,” Ms O’Dwyer said. “Whether a Public Servant, business owner or member of the public, this is a chance to have your say on how our Public Service can best serve all Australians into the future.”

The closing date for submissions Friday, 13 July and the Terms of Reference and information on how to make a submission can be accessed at this PS News link.

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