26 September 2023

APS census ‘broadly positive’

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The 2019 Australian Public Service (APS) census report has been released by the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC), with the findings described by the Commission as “broadly positive”.

The report said that in an era of declining public trust and increasingly complex and interconnected issues, operating ethically and with integrity was taking on even greater significance.

“APS employee perceptions of colleagues, supervisors and senior leaders acting in accordance with the APS values remain high across the service in 2019,” the report said.

“APS employee perceptions of leadership are also generally more positive this year. An increased proportion of APS employees also agree that their Senior Executive Service manager clearly articulates work direction and priorities and actively supports people of diverse backgrounds.”

The report found that APS employee views on performance management either remained similar or slightly less positive compared to 2018.

It noted that the Australian Public Service Commissioner’s Directions 2016 were amended in July to clarify the obligations of Agency heads, supervisors and APS employees.

“The census results show that APS employee perceptions of risk culture in their Agency are broadly more negative relative to previous years,” the report said.

“While organisational risk culture is a key factor in promoting innovation, APS employee perceptions of innovation increased across the APS in 2019, particularly in relation to receiving recognition for coming up with new and innovative ways of working.”

The report found little change in demographics. The proportions of employees identifying as Indigenous, LGBTI+, or with an ongoing disability remained similar to 2018.

“Employee perceptions of colleagues, supervisors and senior leaders acting in accordance with APS values remain high. Rates of perceived bullying or harassment continue to decrease. The percentage of employees perceiving they had witnessed corruption also slightly decreased – by 14 per cent to 13 per cent in 2019.”

Employee views on workplace conditions were similar or more positive across the APS. However, employee views on mobility within the service decreased – 47 percent, down from 52 per cent last year.

The 36-page page census report can be accessed at this PS News link.

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