25 September 2023

Apprentice Centres nail 20th anniversary

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The Department of Education and Training (DET) is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its first New Apprenticeship Centres, which were opened in 1998.

The Department noted that more than 2.5 million apprentices had now completed their training.

Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Karen Andrews said that over the past 20 years more than $9 billion in Government money had been allocated to assist businesses take on apprentices.

“This is important because an apprenticeship means hands-on practical training, and an apprenticeship also means employment,” Mrs Andrews said.

“There’s no better way for someone to gain the skills they need to succeed than through an apprenticeship, and there’s no better way for businesses to gain the skilled workforce they need.”

She said the Australian Apprenticeship Support Network was introduced in July 2015 as a new system for supporting apprentices.

“Funded at up to $190 million a year, the network operates across more than 400 locations and offers targeted support for employers and apprentices through quality pre-commencement advice and in-training support throughout the apprenticeship,” Mrs Andrews said.

“A further enhancement was the introduction of the Australian Apprenticeships Ambassadors program — apprentices and trainees who know firsthand the value in investing in an Australian apprenticeship and are available to promote this valuable career pathway.”

She said she was looking forward to what the next 20 years would bring.

“The nature of work will continue to change; as trends towards automation, cloud computing and AI development continues, the skills workers will need will also change,” Mrs Andrews said.

“Changes to the nature of work have always occurred, and the apprenticeship has always stood the test of time.”

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