26 September 2023

ANU steps up with COVID-safe measures

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The Australian National University (ANU) is to roll out the Check In CBR app as part of its adaptation to the new COVID-safe environment.

The Check In CBR app was launched in September by ACT Health to help Canberra venues meet their requirements to collect patron contact details under the Public Health Directions.

Minister for Health, Rachel Stephen-Smith said ACT Health had been working closely with the ANU to set-up Check In CBR across its campus, and had created 685 individual QR codes for venues including lecture theatres, residential accommodation and commercial spaces.

“The ANU is a very large campus with many teachers, students and staff moving about every day,” Ms Stephen-Smith said.

“The campus has great COVID safety measures in place but there is always risk that a positive case may be detected,” she said.

“With the whole campus using the CBR Check In app, our disease detectives will be able to quickly and effectively contact trace any case that may be linked to the university.”

Ms Stephen-Smith said that since launching in early September, more than 2,700 venues had registered with Check In CBR and the app had been downloaded more than 80,000 times.

“With the support of ACT Health, Tasmania and the Northern Territory have recently implemented rebranded versions of the platform,” the Minister said.

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