26 September 2023

Animal diseases vetted for biosecurity

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The Department of Agriculture has released a new online field guide for veterinarians treating animal diseases that may be threats to Australia’s biosecurity.

Head of Biosecurity at the Department, Lyn O’Connell said the new guide would help vets with early detection, diagnosis and control of exotic and emerging infectious diseases in livestock.

“Early identification and reporting is critical to minimise the devastating impact that these diseases can pose for our animals, industries, jobs and environment,” Ms O’Connell said.

“African Swine Fever and Foot and Mouth Disease could wipe out industries, jobs, impact on trade and availability of the Australian produce we all enjoy, so we need to be as prepared as possible because the threat is real.”

She said veterinarians were crucial for biosecurity.

“If the unthinkable happened and a significant animal disease was to hit our shores, our vets would play a key role in managing and minimising the risks,” Ms O’Connell said.

“This guide will help vets identify emergency animal diseases in the field, ensure they consider priority diseases when conducting diagnosis and take appropriate action when they suspect signs of a biosecurity threat.”

She said the disease list included in the guide would be reviewed and updated to address emerging threats so Australia was best placed to manage them as they arose.

The 261-page field guide was produced by the Department of Agriculture and Australia’s Animal Health Laboratory.

It can be accessed at this PS News link.

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