25 September 2023

Ambulance graduates get green light

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The ACT Ambulance Service (ACTAS) has congratulated 14 new staff members who have achieved their ambulance qualifications.

The staff have qualified across a range of areas of service delivery, including Certificate Three in Non-Emergency Patient Transport (NEPT), Certificate Four in Ambulance Communications, and Authority to Practice as Intensive Care Paramedic (ICP).

Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Mick Gentleman presented nine members with their certificates at a ceremony at the ACT Emergency Services Agency training centre in Hume.

“All 14 graduates have worked incredibly hard to receive their qualifications; it was an honour to officially present nine of them with their certificates,” Mr Gentleman said.

“The safety of our community is paramount and graduates are now fully equipped for the day-to-day challenges of working for the ACT Ambulance Service across the range of services provided.”

He said the graduates would serve members of the community in their greatest time of need.

“Our ACT Ambulance Service is the best in the country, recording the best response times in the past six years and the highest levels of patient satisfaction,” Mr Gentleman said.

“I’m pleased that the ACT Ambulance Service continues to achieve these fantastic results despite high levels of demand.”

He said the ACT Government was committed to recruiting more ambulance personnel to ensure services remain of the highest quality.

“This most recent intake is a part of that commitment and I look forward to seeing these new recruits on the job in the coming months,” Mr Gentleman said.

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