25 September 2023

Allergy Week nothing to sneeze at

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The NSW Food Authority has called on food businesses and consumers to be aware of their responsibilities relating to food allergies as Food Allergy Week continues until Saturday (1 June).

Chief Executive of the Food Authority, Lisa Szabo said the Authority supported the awareness initiative to remind food businesses and consumers of the important role they played when it came to managing food allergies.

“This year’s Food Allergy Week theme is Be Aware and Show You Care,” Dr Szabo said.

“While people living with food allergies are generally keenly aware of their condition, they need the support of the wider community, both consumers and food businesses alike, in managing it safely.”

She said that above and beyond caring, it was also the law for those who sell or manufacture food to provide accurate information and labelling about food allergens that might be contained in their product.

She said that Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia reported that 10 foods were responsible for 90 per cent of food allergy reactions, and those foods must be declared.

They are peanuts, tree nuts (such as almonds and cashews), eggs, milk, fish, crustaceans (shellfish such as prawns and lobsters), sesame, soy, wheat and lupin.

Dr Szabo said the Food Authority had a number of programs and initiatives in place to help educate and inform people and businesses about their responsibilities when it came to food allergies.

“The Food Authority’s website includes a dedicated section about food allergies and intolerances which outlines various tips and hints for food shopping or eating out, and how the NSW Food Authority works to help people safely manage their condition,” she said.

The Food Authority website can be accessed at this PS News link.

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