The Departments and Agencies dealing with agriculture, industry and fisheries have entered a partnership with the State’s agribusiness stakeholder groups to design a ground-breaking pathway for the sector to become a world-leader in low carbon production.
Brought together by the Ministers for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries as well as Rural Communities and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF), the Agencies and industry are developing a Low Emissions Agriculture Roadmap for 2022-2032 to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
According to the Minister for Rural Communities, Mark Furner, as the climate changes and affects food and fibre growing, the community will need to deliver greenhouse gas reduction and increase the State’s carbon sinks to minimise disruptions to food security.
“The Roadmap’s priorities are to ensure food security and the economic stability of our food and fibre producing regions while actively transitioning to low emissions agriculture,” Mr Furner said.
“By 2032 we expect the agriculture, fisheries and forestry supply chains will be well on the way to lower emissions production, with the ultimate goal of a net zero emissions economy by 2050 well in sight.”
He said the Low Emissions Agriculture Roadmap was developed in partnership with industry and was based on a CSIRO report commissioned by DAF for the project.
“Already, the Department and industry have identified five focus pathways to bring the agriculture sector together in a coordinated approach to deliver a Roadmap that is fit for purpose,” Mr Furner said.
“This strategic co-design and co-ownership approach will help us better understand greenhouse gas linkages across supply chains and work collectively to lower overall emissions.”
He said the group would use other strategies from the transport and energy sectors, as well as partnering with non-agricultural industries as an important part of realising carbon neutral regions and supply hubs.
“Importantly, regular reviews will assess whether the Roadmap actions are still relevant, or whether more ambitious or new actions are needed to fast track our progress towards the 2050 zero net emissions economy target,” the Minister said.
Mr Furner invited all Queenslanders to provide feedback on the draft Roadmap.
“We want to hear from all sections of the community to get an informed view of how the Roadmap can further support efforts to achieve our low emissions goals,” Mr Furner said.
“I encourage everyone to view the draft roadmap and have input into this important piece of work that will help shape a carbon neutral Queensland food and fibre sector.”
Access to the draft roadmap and for the chance to leave a comment can be found at this PS News link.
The matters are open until 10 August.