The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has launched a new Transparency Register on its main website to improve public access to the data political parties and candidates are required to lodge at each election.
The AEC’s Transparency Register webpage displays Federal election and by-election financial disclosure returns for events conducted before the 2019 Federal election, replacing the previous hosting platform.
The 2019 federal election financial disclosure returns from candidates, Senate groups, and election donors will be publicly released on the Transparency Register on 4 November.
In a statement, the AEC said the Transparency Register provided significant improvements to the way people were able to access disclosure data, including easier application of an expanded range of filters and better sorting functionality.
“Users will be able to easily export filtered data or download the entire dataset should they wish to do so,” the Commission said.
Further explaining the system, the AEC said the term ‘election returns’ referred to the requirement for candidates, Senate groups and donors to provide a financial disclosure return in relation to a specific Federal election or by-election.
“This register provides comprehensive data tables that show financial disclosure of entities listed according to election event,” the AEC said.
“Tables can be filtered and sorted by clicking in any column header and multiple filters can be applied to a data set to provide a list of disclosure records according to your search preferences,” it said.
“Data can also be extracted to allow further analysis.”
The new Transparency Register can be accessed at this PS News link.