Russel Howcroft is as smart as any super-advertising guru, but maintains the suit style rather than an eccentric persona.
Do we want a Tod Sampson with eponymous T-shirts putting his body to the test or are we happy with the down to earth variety?
We the viewer, know Russel well from the Gruen program – and as a Director of the Australian Film, Television and Radio School – and have come to enjoy his affable manner and insider knowledge of the clever and complex world that is advertising but to hear him propose a Creative Commission – with of course Federal Government support – you do wonder what happened to our creativity.
Do we need to be paid to find that elusive mojo we’ve lost?
Well Russel Howcroft is all for it.
Yes wave a few dollars under the noses of the creatives, encourage them to be creative and all will be hunky dory in the land of the clever people.
Will it? Have we lost the creative streak, are we beholden to the mundane or should we get back to being creative?
Well, like lots of locals from major advertising groups, those who manage and run significant support activities and the wisdom of the movers and shakers who should be setting a new standard – I’ll be impressed if and when this happens.