26 September 2023

Acton Waterfront wins construction awards

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The City Renewal Authority’s new boardwalk and land reclamation project at Acton Waterfront has been recognised for construction excellence at the 2023 Civil Contractors Federation ACT Earth Awards.

Chief Executive of the Authority, Malcolm Snow said the project took top spot in the ‘Project value $30-75 million’ and ‘Project of the year’ categories for their ongoing transformation of lakefront into a major Canberra destination.

Mr Snow said the awards were a testament to the size and scope of the Acton Waterfront project, which has reclaimed part of Lake Burley Griffin’s West Basin.

“The Acton Waterfront project is creating a new city neighbourhood and public park that will be enjoyed for generations to come,” Mr Snow said.

“This award recognises the expert delivery of this significant engineering and construction feat, which has – quite literally – laid the foundations for the new boardwalk and future park,” he said.

“I look forward to seeing this precinct become a bustling meeting place for locals and visitors in the coming years, providing opportunities for new homes, restaurants, tourism and recreation.”

Mr Snow said the next stage of the project would see National Capital Authority consultation on the designs of the in mid-2023 before construction began.

He said Acton Waterfront project would be judged in the national CCF Earth Awards later in the year.

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