Uncountable gratitudes to anonymous ‘D’ from the Commonwealth’s Queensland offices now for taking PS-sssst! to account on account of its anagramatic announcement two weeks ago attributing with acronymonious annotation an anagram when ‘D’ declared it was more correctly an acronym.
Many tanks to D for keeping us honest.
The article in question musically entitled ‘Ana one, Ana two, An-agram”, led the reclusive D to pose the poser “Shouldn’t “anagram” actually be ‘acronym’ when referring to ‘QDOG’ and ‘MATE’?”.
A good question deserving a detailed dissection in which a quick dive into the dictionary almost vindicating ‘D’s doctrination.
According to Mr Oxford an Acronym is a ‘word formed from the initial letters of a group of words’ and Anagram is a ‘word, phrase or sentence formed from rearranged letters’.
Thanks for the disciplinary drill ‘D’, but a detailed diagnosis of your deduction finds it slightly ‘over-’D’ed!.
As hard as we looked to confirm ‘D’s denunciation of us, we can’t find a ‘word formed from the initial letters of a group of words’ that returns ‘QDOG’. ‘MATE’ of course made the cut.
Nevertheless, a fabulous Popular PS-sssst! Pack of Paraphernalia is coming ‘D’s way for taking part in PS-sssst’s part-taking party!
Lip breeding!
A message from Victoria’s Fire and Rescue now closing the days of November admitting their fire trucks in “looked a little hairy this month”.
The FRV put that view together to take part in the national fundraising challenge to improve men’s health by competing with their fellow fire and rescue colleagues around the country by growing moustaches to see who could raise the most money.
“Across the State, Fire Rescue Victoria firefighters are raising funds” the FRV announced, with nine teams and 33 firefighters taking part in the First Responder Challenge.
And how did they draw this worthy cause to the notice of the virus-distracted media?
With the clever headline; ‘A mo-mentous month for FRV firefighters’.
Well done to all!
A tale of talent
If there’s one thing PS-sssst! would like to possess which is miserably missing from its arsenal of inability is that of a worthwhile talent.
While it might be as good a mild-mannered column for a great metropolitan newspaper, PS-sssst! is deeply disgruntled that so many highly-talented superstars get to ply their powers on the news, features, careers, and other pieces popular with PS News readers while it watches from the sidelines gets to put up with the ramblings of a pseudo-smart, past-his-perfect, old-style editor, airing frivolous drivel of allegedly humorous stories, when the real artists are hard at work really artisting.
But PS News can now boast a genuine talent in the team in the form of its Sydney-based Assistant Editor Ysabel Darling who is not only a talented as a mild metropolitan journalist but also as an accomplished artist whose 100 works in NSW’s recent Whispers and Roars: Festival in a Box project have almost been sold out and who just last week had an art piece snapped up at an artshow at Sydney’s ‘House that Dan built’.
Information about the art lovers and the work of the House can be accessed at this PS News link.
Silent winners!
To Rama Gaind’s penultimate performance for 2021 now as she delivers her second-last giveaway for the year before handing over her goodwill duties to that ubiquitously fat and white-bearded show-pony Santa Claus.
In her last prize for 2021 less one, Rama’s offer this week is a copy of the musical documentary DVD Silent Night: A Song For The World, to the first three PS News readers able to tell her where Silent Night was composed.
The answer is that the world’s most popular Christmas sing-along came to life in Salzburg, Austria, in 1818 and the first correct entrants to emerge from the PS News Barrel of Booty belonged to Elizabeth P from the Department of Regional NSW’s Public Works Advisory, Clare N from Queensland’s Department of Justice and Attorney-General and Scott M from the national Department of Health.
Congratulations to all our weekly winners and thanks to everyone for taking part. The Silent Night DVDs will be flying to their new homes very soon.
In the meantime with just one giveaway to win before the New Year, simply take a trip to Rama’s review of the Book The Power to Change at this PS News link and give it your best shot.
The final winners for the year will be announced next week and PS-sssst! wishes the seasonal best of luck to everyone who takes part.
Rama speaks!
And while the brilliant Rama has the stage, she has taken the time to thank the many hundreds of entrants who tried their luck all through 2012 and who shared another tank-load of free Books and DVDs offered every week since the beginning of the year.
“Where has the year gone?” the ever young Rama wonders.
“Isn’t that what we ask ourselves every year though!”
“According to my notes, since 2 February 2021 we’ve found new homes for 68 books and 45 DVDs/Blu-ray. That’s quite a haul!”
And quite a haul it is.
But the irrepressive Rama wasn’t going to let a year-load of hard work slow her down.
“Guess what?” she said. “We’ll do it all again from February 2022.”
Watch this space!
Nature at work
And finally, a word of wisdom from the wise and wisdommy Philomena of Victoria’s Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, this time sharing with us nature’s well known Law of Logical Argument.
According to Philomena, the law of logical argument is at its most obvious when we find ourselves in a troublesome corner and need help to work our way out of it.
And where better to look for support than to our natural nature.
“In accordance with the Law of Logical Argument”, Philomena advises wisely, “Anything is possible IF you don’t know what you are talking about.”
If that’s not true, mothernature has lost her way!
Till next week…..
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