27 September 2023

A better approach to success in 2023

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May Busch* charts a different approach to the traditional setting of New Year resolutions which have often fallen by the wayside by now.

This time of the year tends to be about New Year’s resolutions and how well (or badly) they have been kept so far.

I’m not a fan of them, largely because most of us don’t stick with them, which makes us feel bad.

Instead, I invite you to consider a different approach that sets you up for success.

That is to tap into the positives; to honour the habits, strategies and approaches that have been the positive threads running through the fabric of your personal and professional life.

Does that feel like a kinder, calmer way forward to you too?

If so, here are three questions to get in touch with those positives in your life.

What helped you feel happier and more fulfilled last year?

Think about what you did well and what made you feel good about yourself.

It might be volunteering at your favourite charity, helping your neighbours, or reading bedtime stories to your kids.

Whatever it is, see how you can lean into and perhaps even build on them.

For me, it’s exercising at the gym three times a week.

Is there a good habit that’s fallen by the wayside you’d like to return to?

It might be exercising, journaling or calling your relatives once a week.

If it’s still something you want to do and would serve you well, this is a great time to ‘start fresh’ with an old habit.

For me, it was reading 50 pages a day, but I’m only getting to that a couple of times a week these days.

Is there part of an ‘old you’ you want to bring back?

That could be being curious about the world instead of laser-focused on your to-do list.

Or the hobby that calmed you, but you no longer make time for, like playing guitar, baking scrumptious cakes or writing fiction.

For me, it’s returning to being the joyful, uninhibited child who was the ‘life of the party’ who somehow got locked away once I started working.

I had learned to conform to what I thought was required to be successful.

(I was wrong).

Whatever direction you take in the remainder of this year, remember to be guided by what will set you up for success.

*May Busch works with smart entrepreneurs and top managements to build their businesses. She can be contacted at [email protected].

This article first appeared at maybusch.com.

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