A heartfelt feeling now for our many Australians caught in the recent NSW and Queensland’s flood disasters, watching on while their homes, lifestyles, jobs and security all go underwater and the recovery and rebuilding may still be months and possibly years away for some.
To their credit, the States and Federal Public Services rose quickly to the occasions, assisting, advising and ameliorating each and every one affected by the fluid crisis.
Faced with more than 3,500 people forced out of their homes in the rural areas and in need of somewhere to sleep, the creative talents of the NSW PS rose to the occasion and adopted what could become a new standard for similar disasters in future.
Led by the NSW Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services, the crowds of people in need of overnight shelter were dealt with successfully.
In her words the Minister said the mobile outreach program was introduced to assist people who found themselves sleeping rough.
She said the program would ensure that regional communities, from Broken Hill to Leeton would be home for accommodation for the homeless crowds.
What caught PS-sssst!’s attention was the Minister’s explanation that they could expect to go to sleep in a “stable accommodation”.
At least the stable’s horse might have someone to sleep on!
Bushfires warning in the rain
Staying with the subject of fire, Queensland’s Rural Fire Service (RFS) has warned there’s no room for complacency in the State’s bushfire season despite the recent rain that has, and is, likely to fall.
“According to the residents it’s important to remember it is their responsibility to make sure their property is properly prepared,” the RFS said.
Taking no prisoners, the RFS made clear it is their responsibility to ensure their property is properly prepared.
“If you own the fuel, you own the fire” it declares politically.
Either way, it’s hot stuff!
Wild winnings in the west this week
To Rama Gaind’s convivial competition now where it’s time for three lucky readers to become three new owners of Rama’s wild west DVD mystery prize movie Murder at Yellowstone City.
To join to become a winner, all we had to do was name the actor who plays Sheriff Ambrose in the drama and then have our entries among the first three to be plucked from the judge’s infamous PS News Barrel of Booty.
The correct answer to Rama’s riddle was Gabriel Byrne who played Sheriff Jim Ambrose, a correct answer received from Carol C of the Commonwealth Public Service’s National Indigenous Australians Agency, Voret C from the Australian Taxation Office, and Gregory C, also from the Australian Taxation Office.
Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone who took part in Rama’s race to riches. The winners’ winnings will be winging their way to their new whereabouts.
For another week of giveaways, all we have to do is play Rama’s giveaway game and send in your answer to one or both of her reviews of the DVD Dynasties: The Greatest of Their Kind at this PS News link and/or her other live running review Book of Lonely Planet’s Experience Guides: Ireland at this link.
Good luck to everyone who joins in the fun.
Celebration week!
And finally, the first edition of PS News reaching its 800th weekly edition this week comes with a small swag of statistics summarising how impressive a national newspaper like PS News actually is.
For the record, the 800-week old PS News first came to life on 21 November 2005 with 20 pages each week and serving the Australian Public Service (APS). My how it’s grown!
That first PS News was followed by the NSW Public Service on 10 October 2006, boasting exactly 50 editions behind the APS but sure to reach its 800 milestone about this time next year.
NSW was followed by the Victorian edition on 28 November 2006, Queensland on 13 November 2007, South Australia 25 November 2008, Western Australia 13 September 2009, Canberra 8 July 2013, Northern Territory 19 September 2016 and Tasmania 17 October 2016.
More information about PS News next week. Remember where you heard it first!
Till next week……
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