26 September 2023

ANZSOG sets PS goals to shake up 2022

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NSW Public Servants are being given a helping hand by the Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) to set New Year’s workplace resolutions and ensure the pandemic’s ‘new normal’ works for them.

According to ANZSOG, most people’s personal New Year’s resolutions may have bitten the dust already, but now was the perfect time to shake things up at work.

“It’s been a mixed couple of years for Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand’s Public Servants,” ANZSOG said.

“For many, reserves of resilience have been worn down as people were required to step outside their comfort zone and work more intensely and tackle the huge policy and implementation challenges of the pandemic,” it said.

“And that’s without taking into account the challenges of working from home while looking after children.”

ANZSOG said that while it was hard to predict where 2022 would take us, it had a few resolutions and ideas to help people build on their achievements and make the most of the year.

It said first and foremost, people should get their goals sorted.

“The last few years have seen the world turned upside down, but to achieve what you want, you need to plan,” ANZSOG said.

“Think about where you want to be this time next year, talk to the people who can help you achieve it, and set some tangible, achievable goals.”

It also recommended people “lose some weight” (no dieting involved) by cutting out the extraneous tasks and distractions diverting them from their key goals or vision for the year.

It said Public Servants should also use the year to learn to communicate better, be more innovative, challenge themselves and work on self-improvement.

“Don’t just wait for your career to progress; get the knowledge you need for the position or role that you want,” it said.

“If you are ambitious, perhaps it’s time to gain some further executive education.”

ANZSOG reminded people to look after themselves by switching off from work, setting boundaries and making time for family, friends and things they enjoyed.

As inspiring as ANZSOG’s New Year’s resolutions are, PS News’ very own Editor thought there was just one missing: “Read PS News!”

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