Planning assessment times across NSW are to be slashed by up to 30 days with all Councils and Government Agencies now using the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s (DPIE) online Planning Portal.
Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Rob Stokes said all development applications and complying development certificates across the State must now be processed online through the DPIE Portal.
Mr Stokes said ePlanning had transformed a cumbersome and opaque paper-based process into a streamlined digital service that enabled people to submit applications online and track applications in real-time.
Minister for Digital and Customer Service, Victor Dominello said the reform was a big win for homeowners, local Councils and the construction industry.
“The ePlanning portal saves time for applicants, it saves time for councils and it reduces duplication and administrative costs,” Mr Dominello said.
“The tool enables Councils to post real-time performance data including the status of individual DAs (development applications) and other planning applications and expected completion dates for projects,” he said.
“This real-time tracking means more transparency and accountability when it comes to planning decisions.”
Mr Dominello said community members could read all of the documents associated with a proposal, know what stage it was up to and receive updates as it progressed.
DPIE’s Planning Portal can be accessed at this PS News link.