Employees of the ACT Public Service (ACTPS) can expect to see improvements in their workplaces over the coming year as the 2019-20 Budget includes increases in staff numbers and the introduction of efficiency measures to make their working life easier.
The Budget papers reveal an increase of 714 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions in the ACTPS during 2019-20 from 21,388 this year to 22,102, with the biggest winners health (185 extra positions), education (250), Access Canberra (around 84) and Justice and Community Services (71).
A spokesperson for the Government said up to 3,000 staff would be moving into new offices in Civic and Dickson in 2020, creating more opportunities for modernising the way work is done and strengthening the Territory’s One Service model.
“The workforce transformation program enables the ACT Public Service to continue to evolve the workforce to ensure it is providing the best possible services into the future for the Canberra community,” the spokesperson said.
The spokesperson said the Government was leading by example in improving job security by reviewing the use of casual and temporary employment across the ACT Public Service.
“This review will aim to identify roles or work types currently being done by temporary staff which can be transitioned to secure, permanent roles over time.”
The Education Directorate is to establish an in-house school cleaning workforce to take over from the contracted service, delivering better job security and working conditions for hard-working school cleaners.
“Within the Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate, the Government is working to progressively increase the ratio of permanent staff compared with contract staff over several years,” the spokesperson said.
“This year’s Budget advances this work by converting temporary and contract roles within the City Presentation Unit to permanent positions.”
The spokesperson said that in servicing the community the ACTPS was focused on three themes:
“People and culture – through the Culture Ready program, continuing to embrace a supportive people culture; Environment, the creation of spaces that support a variety of activities, promote flexibility and offer staff the freedom to choose the work setting most appropriate to the task they are undertaking; and Technology, smart technology that will support new flexible working environments.”
The spokesperson said the ACT Government was committed to improving job security for its staff and setting the standard for the ACT workforce as a whole.