26 September 2023

Fishing survey reveals more people caught

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South Australia’s latest Recreational Fishing Survey has been released, reporting positive news for SA’s growing recreational fishing community.

Unveiled by the Department for Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), the Survey found the numbers of anglers across South Australia to be higher than at the last Survey in 2013/14, with around 277,000 fishers now enjoying the diversion regularly.

The Department said the latest figures showed that approximately 357,000, or about 1 in 4 South Australians, went fishing over the survey period.

It said the most popular species caught included King George Whiting, Blue Crab, Pipi, Australian Herring (Tommy Ruff) and Calamari which were all considered sustainable by the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) stock assessments.

Recognising the importance of the Recreational Fishing sector in the State the Government made a number of promises to recreational anglers in the lead up to the last election.

Among the commitments were: Reinstating RecFish SA as the peak body for Recreational Fishing; Recognising recreational fishing as an activity in the Sport and Recreation sector; Better communicating the science behind fisheries decisions; and Increasing participation in recreational fishing amongst women, children, and diverse multicultural communities.

Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Clare Scriven said it was pleasing that recreational fishing in South Australia continued to get stronger, with increasing participation co-existing with sustainable management of marine resources.

“I look forward to continuing to deliver on our election commitments for the sector, many of which have been delivered or are on track to be delivered,” Ms Scriven said.

“This will ensure that the recreational fishing community can continue to grow, with all the benefits that bring the state, and in particular regional economies,” she said.

Minister for Recreation, Katrine Hildyard said it was positive to see South Australians getting out and enjoying fishing and doing so sustainably.

“Recognising the community interest, our Government took a broad suite of recreational fishing policies to last year’s election, designed to make fishing a more accessible and community-oriented recreational activity,” Ms Hildyard said.

“For many, recreational fishing improves physical and mental health and wellbeing, and encourages enjoyment of our natural environment.

“Our work with recreational fishers focuses on enabling people to experience the many benefits recreational fishing brings,” Ms Hildyard said.

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