26 September 2023


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Reviewed by Ian Phillips.

By Tijuana Bullfight, TJBF Global 2023.

Tijuana Bullfight are a Southern Californian hard-rock band that hit the heavy rock scene running in 2013 with their debut self-titled album which was nominated for the Independent Rock Album of the Year at the 14th annual Los Angeles Music awards.

Since then, they’ve released two full-length albums and a couple of singles to considerable critical acclaim.

Their sound has often been described as Californian Sludge and it’s heavily influenced by grunge acts like Nirvana and Soundgarden, but also by legendary heavy metal bands such as Metallica and Black Sabbath.

The core of the band consists of guitarists and founding members Anthony Binikes and Mark Atienza who have set up their own recording and publishing company for world-wide distribution.

Bleed is their latest single and it’s a raucous blend of psychedelic vocals over a heavy wall of sound including distorted guitars, slashing riffs, chugging rhythms and drums tuned to a thunderous low rumble.

They have completed two successful tours of their home country, released two well received albums, and recently completed a headline tour of Mexico.

Their fanbase is growing and I believe a new album is in the offing.

They have a few impressive clips on YouTube that are well worth checking out.

Think About Me (2018) is a quieter and more nuanced track than Bleed but still displays their power while Desire (2015) is rather Nirvana (ish) in its sound and construction.

Of the three clips and tracks Bleed is the heaviest.

I think that Tijuana Bullfight are a band to keep an eye on.

They’re damn good.

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