25 September 2023

7th Public Sector Director Executive Level Leadership Forum 3-7 September, Canberra

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Middle managers in the APS face a unique set of challenges. They must deliver results whilst managing decreased resources, fluctuating staff and stakeholder expectations. Middle managers must also be able to manage pressures from above, below and across their organisations. Although this level in the APS can be challenging, it also provides a wonderful opportunity to grow, innovate and develop essential leadership skills.

Liquid Learning is proud to present the 7th Public Sector Director and Executive Level Leadership Forum . We’re bringing together a variety of leaders to share inspirational stories, practical advice and insights into mid-level APS leadership. Delegates will learn essential skills to enhance their leadership effectiveness and take that vital next step in their career.


● Navigating change in the APS

● Managing a diverse, multi-talented team

● Future-proofing your team for success

● Managing expectations from internal and external stakeholders

● Maintaining performance throughout adversity

Featured Speakers Include:

● Cheryl Ingold, Deputy Chief People Officer, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet

● Sara Goldsworthy, Assistant Secretary, People Smuggling and Human Trafficking Taskforce, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

● Arvind Tyagi, Executive Director, Portfolio Transformation Office, Secretary’s Office, Department of Planning & Environment NSW

● Stephen Planincic, General Manager, Programme Delivery, Department of Human Services

Online Agenda: http://liquidlearning.com/documents/PSEL0918A/PSEL0918A_A1.pdf

Phone: 61 2 8239 9700

Email: [email protected]

Booking Code: PSEL0918A – A1

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