Trump supporters at a rally in Pittsburgh. Photo: Donald Trump Facebook.
A billion words have been written and spewed about how the Evil Orange Man won – usually by people who missed the signs.
Could they not see the forest for the trees, or were they high on their own supply? Or high on their own supply in a forest? For the definitive, how the F did that happen?, let’s ask some ‘geniuses’. There are enough of them about.
We could ask the geniuses who were all-in the Hillary Clinton-funded Russia-Russia-Russia hoax.
The geniuses behind that lie crippled Trump’s first term and helped destroy half the country’s faith in the FBI and the media. When they decry lost trust in institutions, remind them they’re to blame. And probably said Joe Biden wasn’t cognitively impaired until the evidence could be denied no longer.
Or we could ask the geniuses whose mastery of foreign affairs has set the world on fire.
Didn’t they say the ‘adults’ were back in charge? Not so much.
If you want to know when the rot started for Biden and, by extension, Harris, it was the Afghanistan withdrawal.
The geniuses – the “f-ing idiot” General Mark Milley, for example – left $85 billion-plus of the world’s best military equipment in the hands of the Taliban.
They also killed 13 US servicemen during the withdrawal. And a presidency.
Kamala Harris boasted she was the last person in the room to make that decision about Afghanistan. That makes sense.
Since the Allies’ withdrawal, girls in Afghanistan have essentially been banned from schools and universities. And travel without a male escort, in some regions, even to shops. That’s a problem over there – Uber Eats isn’t big in Kabul.
Maybe Harris was advised by the same geniuses who have turned Ukraine into a shambles. A literal shambles; as in, a slaughterhouse.
Those geniuses thought the war in Ukraine would disable Russia without the US firing a shot. That’s some super-duper-trooper 4D chess with a side of UNO.
Not so fast. Russia is richer than ever. Yes. Richer.
Even with the sanctions?
Yes, even with the sanctions!
In June, Russia jumped over Japan to become the fourth-largest economy in the world. It’s also leapfrogged Germany since the war and sanctions began.
Ah, Germany. You’ve got some real geniuses, too.
Seems the sophisticated Europeans aren’t quite as clever as they thought they were.
Maybe some of those dumb Americans looked across the water and thought, no thanks. We prefer our energy like our beer – domestic.
You could ask the geniuses who thought it would be smart to open the border and let at least 10 million illegals in. They may not be eating the dogs™ but Venezuelan gangs are taking over hotels. That’s nothing to be proud of.
Of course, the geniuses don’t mind if that happens, so long as they aren’t plopped in Martha’s Vineyard. Unless they do domestic work.
Or what about the geniuses who said inflation would be ‘transitory’? Inflation is not transitory – it’s a ratchet that only goes one way.
The people who argued about inflation would be the same geniuses who thought modern monetary theory would work. It didn’t.
Turns out you can’t pump trillions into an economy and not create inflation. Who knew? Well, everyone who wasn’t a genius, it seems.
(But don’t look too smug – we have the same geniuses in Australia. Treasury thought they could buy lower inflation and lower interest rates for $3.5 billion. They were wrong.)
What about Trump’s cabinet picks?
The main criticism seems to be that the nominated appointees are “Trump loyalists”.
Read that again.
See a problem? Apparently, he’s meant to be appointing people who hate him and will stifle what he was elected to do. You know, as happened in Trump 1.0.
But maybe Trump learned from his first four years when he trusted others and got screwed.
Frankly, this could go on for days.
For many of you, this is all old news. If it’s new news, and you’re still shocked Trump won, be aware your news choices have let you down. Maybe go outside, get swooped by a maggie and, yes, touch some grass.
You may not be able to put your finger on just one reason Trump won the electoral college, and the popular vote, and the Senate and the House, but if you look hard enough, you’ll start seeing the clues. Not even a genius could miss them.
Original Article published by David Murtagh on Riotact.