Josie Cox* says hybrid workplace models are exacerbating gender inequality.
COVID-19 abruptly stalled progress towards a more gender equal labour market, but the hybrid model which many organisations are touting as a post-pandemic norm, could be about to make everything much worse.
A recently published study of more than 30,000 Americans found that among college graduates with young children, women want to work entirely from home almost 50 per cent more than men.
That study echoes the results of a survey of 2,300 business leaders conducted at the end of last year in the U.K. which show that 69 per cent of mothers wish to work from home at least one day a week after the pandemic compared to just 56 per cent of fathers.
As vaccination rates across many countries continue to trend higher, enabling offices to open up physically, that gender divide seems to be becoming increasingly pronounced, making the prospect of male-dominated physical offices ever more realistic.
“It’s very worrying,” says one woman, working in tech in Manhattan, who asked not to be named.
“Some of my male colleagues have been going into the office regularly for months now, but I’m still working entirely from home because I just don’t yet feel comfortable commuting just yet,” she adds.
“What I’m feeling is more than just FOMO – fear of missing out. I’m genuinely scared that I’m just being forgotten: out of sight out of mind.”
Bhushan Sethi, a consultant who co-heads PwC’s People and Organisations practice, published a report earlier this year in which he warned of a considerable risk of bias emerging in favour of those who are physically working on site, while those working remotely become stigmatised for doing so.
“It’s a subconscious bias that can lead to managers or other decision makers offering more or better opportunities to the people they see, rather than the employees on the phone or video” he wrote, which in turn “could create an unhealthy ‘us versus them’ culture between people who regularly work in the office and those who work remotely”.
Speaking at a conference in early May, Jamie Dimon, the chief executive officer of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co, said that exclusively working from home “doesn’t work for those who want to hustle,” prompting backlash from some employees of the largest American bank, who accused his rhetoric of polarizing the workforce and undermining those for who either don’t feel safe returning to the office, or are struggling to do so for logistical reasons.
“It’s statements like that,” the woman working in tech says, “that would just make me want to quit.”
A culture problem
Gem Dale, a lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University in the U.K., says that it’s important to remember that hybrid working arrangements do have the potential to tackle some of the most pressing inclusion and equality issues in the workplace.
In fact, she says, a lack of availability of flexible working has historically cemented and augmented the gender pay gap as well as other wealth gaps.
But unless a hybrid workforce is designed specifically with inclusion in mind, problems are very likely to arise.
“Drawing on pre-pandemic research we […] know that we often have proximity bias, defaulting to people in the office over those who are remote, leading to poorer outcomes for those working more remotely than those more often in the office,” she says, agreeing with Sethi.
In 2014 researchers conducted a study in China in which they randomly selected 250 volunteers working for a large multinational corporation and split them into two groups, one of which worked remotely for four days a week while the other remained in the office full-time.
Over almost two years, those working from home enjoyed a startling 50 per cent lower rate of promotion than their physically present counterparts.
Drilling into the reasons for this, Heejung Chung of the University of Kent in the U.K, says that culture is key.
“Our current labour market culture, particularly in the U.S. and the U.K., dictates that the notion of productivity and commitment is not measured by what an employee is actually providing to the company or team, but by what they’re personally sacrificing in order to do their job,” she explains.
“That’s not only an incredibly dangerous culture to live by, because it threatens both physical and mental wellbeing, but it’s also detrimental because it favours certain demographic groups: the able-bodied who can easily travel to and from the office, but also predominantly men,” she adds.
Chung says that because of entrenched gender norms, women still overwhelmingly take on responsibility for domestic and childcare duties within a heterosexual relationships, so they simply don’t have the option to sacrifice as much as men in terms of time spent in the office rubbing shoulders with managers.
“One thing that the global pandemic has achieved, is that it has let the flexible working ‘genie out of the bottle’.
“It has shown us what’s possible under extreme circumstances,” she says.
“Despite this though, many managers are still not willing to fully embrace a way of working that does not value face time.
“Many do not want to challenge the current norms of how we tend to measure productivity, culture and success, and that means that hybrid-models of working really risk exacerbating inequality if not implemented in the right way.”
So what can an organisation do to avoid the risk of rifts and bias becoming even more entrenched as a result of flexibility and optionality?
Dale says the answer is complex on account of the very reason Chung underscores: that presenteeism is so “hard-wired” into the corporate culture of so many businesses.
One place to start, though, is training managers on bias, how to recognise and avoid it, and how to assess employee performance fairly, and based on clear objectives.
Human resource departments, she says, need to “get focused on monitoring – looking at who gets promoted, who gets a bonus or pay rise – and making sure that there is equality of outcomes for remote and non-remote workers”.
Chung agrees. KPIs, or key performance indicators, she says, can certainly help to level the playing field and to ensure that people are assessed by the same criteria and given the same opportunities regardless of where they’re working from.
But again, these need to be stripped of bias.
“We really need to fundamentally overhaul the way we think about productivity and success,” Chung says.
“If KPIs aren’t objectively measurable then they’ll just become another part of the problem.”
*Josie Cox is contributor at Forbes, a journalist and commentator with a particular interest in business, economics and the future of work.
This article first appeared at